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Social Development


Our Social Development Director works with the ISC Alberta Region Income Support Program to assist persons living on-reserve in maintaining a basic standard of living. We preserve and strengthen family unity and responsibility by developing individual and family strengths to prevent dependency on Income Support, and provide referrals to rehabilitative services where available and appropriate.

Social Assistance Worker


If you wish to see the Social Assistance worker, you must make an appointment. Remember to bring in all bills, and both must be present if you are applying with a spouse.


To book an appointment call Monica @ (780) 927-3544 

Income Support


The Income Support program provides financial assistance to persons who are unable to meet their needs for food, shelter, personal, and other items essential to their health and well-being. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following basic criteria:


  • The members of the household unit are residents in Alberta; 

  • One of the members of the household unit is 18 years of age or older; and

  • The members of the household unit can demonstrate need.


Further details are outlined below.

Assets and Reporting


Clients are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information:


  • Clients are responsible for establishing their identity and to provide any information or substantiation required to determine eligibility; and

  • Clients are required to report changes in circumstances in the household unit (case file);


Assets on Income of all adult members of the household unit (case file) are considered in determining eligibility:


  • Applicants and recipients are required to report any and all non-exempt assets; and

  • Applicants and recipients are required to report all income the applicant, recipient, or a member of the household unit is eligible to receive and entitlements that they may be eligible to receive under any other program or law.




  • Income Support clients must be willing to comply with the Child Support Services requirements;


  • A child under the age of 18 years, who is the natural, legal, or adopted child of the head of the household or partner, shall be considered a dependant and included in the Support budget; and


  • Dependants of Income Support recipients who are attending the regular school system may remain on the Income Support file until they turn 20 years old. This recognizes the responsibility of families to support their children to complete high school and supports the belief in the value of education.

Work and Conditions


  • Clients must follow through with expectations to take work, rehabilitation, or training that will lead to greater or total independence; and


  • Applicants and recipients are to accept employment for reasonable wages and maintain a reasonable job unless there is a just cause for leaving the job.


Beaver First Nation  Call: (587) 743-1020
P.O . Box 270, High Level, AB T0H 1Z0
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