Human Resources Development
Our Human Resources Development (HRD) Director works with the community to promote education and training. We work to preserve tradition and language within the community while helping our members achieve their work and educational goals. We connect members to job opportunities and help them pursue new skills and experience through training and post-secondary education.
BFN provides post-secondary education (PSE) funding for its members residing on/off reserve. Approvals are based on PSE funding available in the budget, as well as prior band funding and previous training/education. See below for details.
The department also collaborates with Rocky Lane School and community members to provide Beaver language instruction as part of the curriculum.
Skills Training
Our HRD department promotes further learning and training through training programs and workshops, connecting members to opportunities both within and outside the community where available.
Please visit our Jobs & Training page for current job and training opportunities.
Post-Secondary Education Funding Requirements
Beaver First Nation (BFN) Post-Secondary Education (PSE) provides funding for its First Nation members residing on/off reserve. All members who are Bill C-31 are required to apply to Free Horse Wellness society for funding.
All approvals are based upon the PSE funding available in the budget, as well as prior band funding and completion or non-completion of previous training/education.
Please forward a completed PSE Application form (available at the office), as well as the following documentation:
Acceptance letter from an Accredited Training Institution, indicating the program of study;
Start and End dates of program;
Program outline including program expenses;
Three pieces of identification including Treaty Status/two other pieces of ID;
Student introduction with statement of career interest and how it meets labour market demands; and
Proof of additional financial support via scholarships and/or bursaries.
Please note that BFN does not pay for any tuition deposits and/or registration fees; however, these costs may be reimbursed once funding is approved.
Part-time and distance learning programs will be considered after review of full-time students.
All applicants will receive notification in writing on the outcome of their application, approximately two weeks after the June 15th PSE Application deadline date.
Please contact the Human Resources Development Director if you require further clarification or have questions.
Funding Resources:
Freehorse Family Wellness Society https://www.freehorse.org/
The Post-Secondary Funding Program assists students who have regained their status as a result of Bill C-31 from various First Nations, and students who are residents of Alberta with Northwest Territories or Inuit Treaty Status.
Oteenow Employment & Training Society https://www.oteenow.com/
The Oteenow Employment & Training Society will provide Human Resource Development Programs to First Nations people in the greater Edmonton area to enable them to become self-reliant and subsequently live productive lives.
is an Indigenous-led registered charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.
Future Generations Foundation (formerly NIB Trust) https://www.fgfoundation.ca/
The FG Foundation accepts applications for funding for programs aimed at education, healing and reconciliation, and cultural knowledge building. The goal of the FG Foundation is to help First Nations, Métis people and communities address the impacts of the Indian residential school's system, and to provide resourcing to create meaningful opportunities that improve the quality of life for First Nations and Métis people.
Off-Reserve Funding Source
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) provides funding and assistance for training and skills development to Non-Status Indians (First Nations), Métis, and Southern Inuit, living off reserve in Canada.